File # 27 - 40 REASONS to ABSTAIN

1. We love you tremendously and wish ONLY for your good health and CONTINUED well-being.
2. It would break our hearts if that were to change because of a side effect of a 'vaccine' shot for a virus with a 99.9x% recovery rate.
3. For your age group theres a 0.0x% chance of dying. If you caught it, you would naturally beat it
with zero human/medical intervention.
4. I know people who have caught Covid and survived with no complications. They just said it
was like a body-flu.
5. Some of your most loved ones will NOT be taking this vaccine under ANY circumstances.
6. A 'Corona' virus is in the common cold/flu family and has been around for hundreds/thousands
of years.
7. There have been ZERO flu cases in this state in 2021 thus far, and thus ZERO flu deaths for
the first time in history. Where'd they go?
8. There are common vitamins such as Vitamin C, D, and E, plus Zinc that have wonderful results in warding off the common Coronavirus without the risks and unknowns of a vaccine. Plus there are well-established drugs like Hydrochloroquine, which has made the Top 10 list of SAFEST DRUGS for 70+ years now.
9. Our government does NOT have your best interest in mind and they don't care about your safety, health, or well-being no matter what their words might say.
10. This pandemic was NEVER about the safety of citizens around the globe. It is about compliance, control and power to usher in the Great Reset and the Globalist-Elites continued pursuit of their New World Order.
11. If you were to get this 'vaccine' they will STILL require you to wear a mask and social distance, despite the fact that others have also been 'vaccinated' because again, this has NOTHING to do with the virus.
12. Previously respected agencies are now running entirely on political agendas instead of basic
scientific fact. The CDC (Center for Disease control) and WHO (World Health Organization) are
both PRIVATE companies and NOT part of any government organization. And guess who largely
funds them…? Bill Gates, among other ill-intentioned billionaires/trillionaires…
13. On the official CDC website, to keep the historical statistics accurate, a couple months ago
they 'updated' their (fake) 2020 Covid death statistics to include only deaths that were caused
FROM Covid, rather than dying WITH Covid (death was caused from something else), which
lowered the covid death count by 92%!! Meaning the Covid death count is hundreds of thousands
off. But the media didn't bother pointing that out and still continue to push the fake Covid death
14. The 'vaccine' is not actually a vaccine as it does not provide immunity. It contains no live
virus like other shots do. It's a medical injection. And you do not need a medical injection for a
medical illness you don't have.
15. The injection is not guaranteed to protect you from contracting Covid. Many folks who've
received it have still contracted Covid.
16. Assuming the shot actually works, the presumed benefits are minimal and would not last
long in any case. However, the negatives can hang around for a lifetime. They are already talking
about yearly shots and additional shots for the ever-increasing number of new variants and of
new 'vaccines'.
17. A vaccine that hasn't been proven safe can do irreparable damage to those who opt to be
inoculated. A 'vaccine' that DOESN'T work could likely do more to spread Covid-19 than having
no vaccine at all.
18. This group of 'vaccines' are the fastest to ever be released to the public. Only 10-12 months
vs 5+ years in trials!
19. The vaccine manufacturers have listed the potential dangerous side effects from their
Stage 3 trials, of which 91% of folks experienced basic side effects that lasted up to 6 days including injection site pain, swelling, redness, itching, rashes, hives, heart palpitations, headaches, muscle soreness, nausea, fever, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, and respiratory symptoms, while others experienced much more severe reactions, including allergic reactions, Anaphylaxis, Bells Pallsy, paralysis, blood clots, pulmonary embolisms, and rare blood disorders like acute immune
thrombocytopenia (deep vein thrombosis). They state that if patients have an allergic reactions to the first shot they should NOT received the second shot.
20. Moderna in particular, has NEVER made a vaccine of ANY kind for humans, period.
21. 20+ countries have banned the Astra Zeneca vaccine due to the number of deaths it's caused!
22. Over 3800 people have died from the current vaccines after only 90 days!
23. New vaccine technology will likely mean new kinds of vaccine injuries because there's never
been a licensed mRNA vaccine before. Since the vaccines were developed so quickly (under
emergency use), with such short clinical trials, the long-term injuries are a complete unknown.
24. mRNA injections are the first vaccines in history to intervene directly in patients' genetic
material and alter it (hi-jacking your cells). Injecting the body with mRNA strands, which are essentially protein synthesis instructions, could theoretically unleash catastrophic unintended consequences in the body, posing problems when it comes to health, ethics and morality. This is uncharted territory…. You are essentially playing Russian Roulette with your life due to auto-
immune reactions where the body's cells are inadvertently or maliciously programmed to attack critical proteins required for normal health such as hormones, enzymes, and antibodies, which can drastically affect fertility and neurological functions, etc.
25. Side effects of an mRNA vaccine would not become apparent until months or years after the
initial injection. These adverse events are likely to be systemic, not acute. The genetic damage that
mRNA vaccines can cause would be IRREVERSABLE and IRREPAIRABLE. Genetic defects
simply CANNOT be removed from the body.
26. The mainstream media is our worst enemy. They maliciously lie to us about nearly
EVERYTHING. And it\'s not just some networks or major newspapers, its ALL of them. They are all complicit because they are all owned by the same few elite globalists.
27. The establishment insists these injections are safe, however, they can't/don't know this for the
same reasons previously stated above- there have been no long-term tests. It is thought that most
negative health effects won't happen for 4-18+ months after injection. This is when the injection
will be most dangerous- after you've made your decision and it's too late.
28. The big pharma companies have ZERO liability. NONE. If there is a severe systemic reaction
to complications, such as having seizures, full body rashes, you end up partially paralyzed or with
Bell's Palsy, or have neurological disorders for the rest of your known life, or even if it kills you,
thats too bad- They are 100% protected and cannot be sued under ANY circumstances. They quite
literally have nothing to lose and only money to gain.
29. Politicians and Big Tech are now the ones giving citizens 'expert' advice on a brand new types
of injections. Should they be trusted over real medical professionals, or over your loved ones who
TRULY CARE about your well-being?
30. Bill Gates comes from a long line of known Eugenists and believes the world has too many
people and needs to be "depopulated". He has later stated that, "A worldwide vaccine would be the
quickest route to achieve this". He's made these statements PUBLICLY on video more than once.
Gates himself, and his family have NOT been injected.
31. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is BANNED from entering India and a few countries
in Africa for paralyzing tens of thousands of their children with their Polio 'vaccine'.
32. 'Dr.' Fauci is a life-long FRAUD. He is the HIGHEST PAID government employee (including
the president). He doesn't care about citizens and will lie to our faces repeatedly to push his nefarious agenda thats based on greed, money, and power. He personally funded (along with Bill Gates) the Wuhan Virus Lab in China= Wu Flu.
33. Dr. Fauci made it appear that he got a shot on television, but he didn't. It was faked.
34. Kary Mullis, the gentleman who won a Nobel prize in the 90's for inventing the PCR tests that
Fauci is now using to (falsely) test for Covid, has called Fauci a fraud, a phony, and a big dummy
publicly and has challenged him to debates on stage many times, which Fauci has always declined.
And this was 25 years ago!
35. This is the most widespread marketing (propaganda) campaign in history. The media, politicians, celebrities, and mega corporations are hyping this as the coolest, smartest, and best thing to do,
saying, "It is the ticket to your freedom". The ENTIRE system is complicit.
36. Anybody who raises concerns about the 'vaccine' are bullied, banned, slandered, mocked,
censored, threatened, or fired from their jobs. This includes ANY medical professionals who have
REAL science-based EVIDENCE. When has truth and morality ever turned out to be on the side of
the establishment??
37. In the 1940s during the holocaust, many of the citizens WILLINGLY took a ride to their own
death because they TRUSTED the men in uniforms when they said, "We are going to take you here
for 'your own safety'." Sound familiar?
38. Our eternal CREATOR with his infinite intelligence did not design our immune system 'wrong'.
Those with form do not know better than the formless from which they came.
39. You know better than anyone what is good or not good for yourself. No one is more of an expert on your OWN body than you are.
40. More than anything, again, we just want you to lead a good healthy life just as you do TODAY
and most EVERYDAY. There is never a moment that we do not love you forever. That you can be
certain of.
-Originally written by Adam D. in WA state, US - 4/21

 (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

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